More and more women, striving to reinvent themselves and reclaim their power, are discovering the joys and benefits of journaling. That empowering ritual of writing down thoughts and feelings contributes to our psychological well-being and mental health. Journal writing lets our creative juices flow, helps us to deal with overwhelming emotions and allows us to understand ourselves better.
A journal can be in the form of a hardcover book, or a small spiral notebook. Some people find it convenient to use their cell phone's voice recorder for capturing their thoughts; others use journaling apps or e-journals provided by their coaches. No matter what medium you use, a journal can serve as a valuable, self-empowerment tool.

How Journaling Empowers You
Journaling takes you to a personal space, away from your hectic schedule, where you devote all your attention to yourself. Being aware of the forces that drag you down and developing feelings of gratitude for what you have achieved, ignite your will and help you appreciate yourself. Journaling can be viewed as an internal monologue; when it eventually reaches outward, it will bring you one step closer to your vision: a life that you own!
It alleviates anxiety and stress
Jotting down your fears and anxieties can help you release the intense emotions that relate to them. By doing so, you prevent them from dragging you down and taking over your life. Soon enough, you stop dwelling on your worries and start taking a more proactive stance.
It puts your thoughts and feelings into perspective
When your ideas become jumbled and chaotic it is difficult to think clearly. Writing your thoughts and feelings down is a very effective way of combating cyclical thinking and negative thought patterns, which, if they remain ‘untamed’, can take on a life of their own and sabotage your growth.
It assists you in identifying your inner saboteurs
Ongoing journal writing can be not only life-changing but also life-expanding: it allows you to grow and develop emotionally. It’s effective in silencing negative self-talk, stopping rumination, resolving the past, focusing on the present and regaining hope for the future. It helps you see things in a more ordered manner, recognise and resolve triggers and rationalise your negative experiences.
How to Journal
What’s the best time of day for self-reflection? For some it is early in the morning, when the day is full of promises; others are in a more reflective mood at night. No matter what time you choose to write, it is important you stick to it, so that journaling becomes a habit.
As it happens with all rituals, preparation is a 'must'. To write, find a quiet area that feels safe and comfortable. Journaling allows you to spend some quality time alone with your thoughts. Ensure that it is as enjoyable as possible by creating a space you love! Besides preparing your senses, you can also prepare your mind. Some people like to practise affirmations, meditate, pray, do breathing exercises and other mindfulness techniques that help unlock their minds and get in touch with their emotions.
Choose a topic for your writing. Sometimes you will respond to a prompt given by your coach, other times your writing will be a free stream of thoughts and emotions, your plans for the future, or an epiphany you had while taking a shower! It is important to remember that journaling is a powerful and empowering flow of uninhibited self-expression; there is no right or wrong here!
Revisit your journal and rethink how you have approached or dealt with an issue. This will give you insights into your progress, keep you on track, and maintain your momentum. Although this is a process that clients typically go through with me, being able to validate our own breakthroughs, successes and achievements always gives a great sense of empowerment!
These journaling prompts - along with my additional writing prompts and e-journal - have been carefully crafted to inspire self-discovery, strengthen your self-love and facilitate your journey to empowerment. They can serve as a springboard which will motivate you to create your own prompts that focus on your needs and are aligned with your own vision.