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Empowerment Coaching through text will allow you to explore various areas that empowerment coaching focuses on. It will help you to proactively tackle concerns like relationships, career, finances, well-being and personal growth. It will also allow you to identify your life purpose and create an expansive reality on your own terms.

Like live coaching sessions, text-based coaching addresses issues that hold you back from living a self-determined life: fears, negative self-talk, procrastination, rumination, etc. It sparks insights into your strengths and talents and helps you develop an action plan to pursue your dreams and goals. 

How it Works


Throughout the day you will receive a set of five carefully crafted questions intended to trigger a transformation process that works from inside out: day by day you will notice internal changes that manifest external enhancements in the focus area you need to improve.


Next, you need to respond spontaneously to each question, on the same day and, ideally, as soon as you receive it. For change and empowerment to happen, answer mindfully and consistently. There are no right or wrong answers as long as they are sincere and aligned with your own values, thoughts, needs and feelings.


Within the same day you will be sent one or two responses, tailored to your needs and designed to boost and direct you toward the transformational breakthroughs that will give your power back to you.

Some messages may include links to readings, videos, worksheets, etc. that  compliment our site's 



Each response you will receive is a call to action. It will provide you with micro-solutions that lead to massive change.

To help you maintain momentum, I will send you progress reports: they will show us how far you have gone and which areas need more work, attention and improvement.

Consistency and accountability are essential components of everyday text-based coaching. You might already know the answers to life's challenges and questions. However, my sure-fire "question - answer - feedback - action" text-coaching scheme will help you unveil those hidden answers and solutions, pushing you to stick to your commitment to take massive action: out of the circle of disempowerment and into a life you own!

Why You'll Love it!


Enjoy the benefits of coaching by texting through your mobile phone or tablet.

Black and Asian woman texting on their phone.


Encrypted communication through our site's members-only Spaces App.

Mobile phone. pencil, earphones.


compared to other types of coaching.

Pot with coins and plant.


All communication is asynchronous - no need to book an appointment to show up live.

Woman texting.

Ready to Join? Get a Quote

Write your personal details and click on the button to get a quote for our 30-DAY TEXT-BASED COACHING service.

We need your contact information to contact you about our services. You can always opt out of our emails. For our privacy practices, please review our Privacy Policy.

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